Category Archives: Industry

[IN THE TRENCHES] Death by Creativity

Are you too creative? Are you constantly thinking of one new project after another in almost any medium, even a few yet to be conceived? I am. And I think it’s probably going to kill me. I’ve talked long and … Continue reading

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[IN THE TRENCHES] Chauffeur to the Stars

When you first start out in the entertainment industry, you quickly discover that the most prevalent entry-level opportunities are as an Assistant or Production Assistant (aka P.A.). If you’re a P.A. on lower-budgeted projects, like I was, you’re more than … Continue reading

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[IN THE TRENCHES] Write What you Have

There’s the old adage that you should “write what you know.” While there’s plenty to be said for that, there are also plenty of instances when you should write what you have. When it comes to production – especially your … Continue reading

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[IN THE TRENCHES] Writer/Director Timothy Scott Bogart

I’ve known Tim Bogart for a long time. We met as Freshmen at NYU‘s Tisch School of the Arts. Possibly the first day, but definitely the first week. We were part of a group of like-minded friends and when we … Continue reading

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[IN THE TRENCHES] Graphic Novel Adaptation

2022 wrapped up with the release of the final article in my series for Pipeline Artists, Adapting a Screenplay Into a Graphic Novel. As I mentioned when I first got the green light, I’d been looking forward to writing about … Continue reading

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[ETCETERA] Major Awards

It’s an honor just to be nominated, as they say. That’s absolutely true. But what’s also absolutely true is that it’s even better to win. Over the course of the last few months, I’ve been to two different industry awards … Continue reading

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[IN THE TRENCHES] The Ringo Awards and Pipeline Artists

It was a big few weeks for Blowback. Our campaign to rally support for The 2022 Mike Wieringo Comic Book Industry Awards was a success, as we were nominated for Best Original Graphic Novel! To give that a little perspective, … Continue reading

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[IN THE TRENCHES] Screenplay to Graphic Novel

I’ve written in the past about Rhonda Smiley and me adapting our screenplay, Blowback, into a graphic novel. I’ve yet to go into much detail, though, as there’s so much to cover. Now, thanks to the fine folks at Pipeline … Continue reading

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When you’re starting out in the entertainment industry (or perhaps navigating a dry spell), you may just find yourself doing a few odd jobs here and there. Something to bridge the gaps and pay the bills. Nothing illegal, of course. … Continue reading

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This isn’t a post about the hilarious (but painfully accurate) sitcom, Episodes. You should check that out, though, if you haven’t. Highly recommended for anyone in general, but even more so for writers. No, this post is about the sometimes … Continue reading

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