Well, there comes a time when you have to temporarily put aside your responsibilities and focus on a little self-care instead.
In this case, I’m talking about writing a blog this month. Or, rather, not writing one.
I’ve taken the time I would normally spend here and instead put it toward some of the last steps in self-publishing Rhonda Smiley and my first graphic novel, Blowback.
Right now, we’re in the final formatting stage and it is not easy. For me, anyway.
For anyone who’s curious what that’s like, at some point down the line, I intend to go into exhaustive detail about this entire journey. Likely over several blog posts.
Until then, I’ll just leave you with a little taste of some of our gorgeous panels, with art by Kev Hopgood and color by Charlie Kirchoff. Enjoy.
Oh, and for goddsakes, please vote. For Biden/Harris, of course. That other guy is a cancer on humanity. Seriously, the absolute worst.