Tag Archives: Writing

[THREE CENTS] Responsibility to Your Audience

As writers, most of us work to create scripts with compelling stories, three-dimensional characters, and authentic-sounding dialogue.  But what else should be on our checklist? After all, screenplays – and the resulting movies, television, and web content – aren’t designed … Continue reading

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What the hell is I.P., you may ask? Well, to start with, there’s no need for that kind of salty language.  There are kids all over the internet. Intellectual Property is the literal meaning behind it, but in essence, it’s … Continue reading

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Collaboration.  Not an easy thing to accomplish effectively, but the entire entertainment business is built around the concept, so it’s better to embrace the notion than to fight it. Seriously, you can’t fight it.  I’ve tried. Sure, some other art … Continue reading

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I was at a pitching event a few years back, and at one of the tables the pitch for my script was met with enthusiasm…  and then quickly followed by a caveat that made that positive experience turn dark, gray, … Continue reading

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[IN THE TRENCHES] I’ll Get Around To This

Let me open by saying I was initially hoping to have this ready to post last week. Well, I may not be on time, but at least I’m on theme. Procrastination.  It’s quite the beast, really.  It can easily eat … Continue reading

Posted in IN THE TRENCHES, Industry | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

[IN THE TRENCHES] Do You Really Want to do This?

Everybody and their cousin has an idea for a movie or television show.  Some of them have a lot (of ideas, that is, not cousins). Well, sure they do, ideas are the easy part (a dime a dozen used to … Continue reading

Posted in IN THE TRENCHES, Industry | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

[IN THE TRENCHES] Shut Up Already and Do Something

I was watching “Stranger Things” last week, when I heard the opening notes to New Order’s “Elegia” trickle in behind the mourning scene in “The Acrobat and the Flea” episode (I won’t elaborate any more on that, because, you know…  … Continue reading

Posted in Biographical, IN THE TRENCHES, Industry, NYU | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

[IN THE TRENCHES] Industry Peers: Mortal Enemies?

Back in my first few days at NYU, all of us freshman Film & Television majors naturally gravitated toward other like-minded students, forming the inevitable cliques.  This was great for hanging out, making the most of a single believable fake … Continue reading

Posted in Biographical, IN THE TRENCHES, Industry, NYU | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

[THE MAKING OF] Origin Story

So here it is at last.  My first blog post. Should probably be some sort of an intro. Appetizer.  An amuse-bouche, for all you Food Network addicts out there. Which reminds me.  I didn’t have breakfast yet. I’ll just be a … Continue reading

Posted in Biographical, Industry, THE MAKING OF | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments