[ETCETERA] Summer Vacation

Holiday Roadblock

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted here. It’s not that I’ve run out of things to say (apologies to the people that have to deal with me on a daily basis, but running out of things to say doesn’t seem likely anytime soon).

No, I just haven’t had the time.

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m trying to do a lot of things right now – too many, really – and something had to give. This was it.

I like to think of it as my grown-up summer vacation. A vacation where I work on a new spec, update several older ones, and pitch 7 different projects across 21 five minute meetings at a Pitch Fest.

You know, taking a break

Nevertheless, I will be back soon. Fall is right around the corner, and then it’ll be time to get working again. Until then, stay cool and keep being creative.


Cover of the graphic novel, "Blowback" (2021)

Jim Hereth‘s latest project is his debut action/adventure graphic novel, Blowback, nominated for Best Original Graphic Novel and winner of Fan Favorite Villain at the Ringo Awards. Available now in digital and paperback editions at Amazon.

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